Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 1 successful

After shooting from the hip on the first day of this homeschooling adventure we are on the boys and I learned about the different writers of the Bible and I encouraged them to write their own stories and if anytime they felt God was telling them something to write it down and to obey at all times when God speaks. They were very fascinated with countries, continents and states and this led to talking about transportation of how we would get to certain places around the world. Kyler mentioned that missionaries go to different places in the world so we talked about our Aunt Katie who plans on being a missionary soon and we said a quick prayer for her and then sang a song about missionaries. The kids then enjoyed doing some rhyming games and word matching workbook exercises and took their books with them when we had to go to the school to get the withdrawal forms. Kyler was intrigued at all of the things he could just see and draw and talk about there. He drew a clock so we begun talking about time and numbers and came back and did some math worksheets. This was followed by them both wanting to learn numbers and their names and expressions they were feeling using sign language so we focused on that until they both had at least their names mastered with the signing! :) Next was science and we explored outer space and all of the planets and discovered which were bigger/hotter/cooler, etc...and had made a planet mobile as a craft. They then wanted to research and read about reptiles and the functions of their anatomy and the parts of their bodies. We discussed different colors of animals and the power of some of these reptiles and what things the boys thought reptiles ate. We practiced sticking our tongues out super fast doing the sllllrp motion to suck the bug back in. lol. Kyler got distracted from this and went back to the world map and wanted to show us where THE TITANIC had sunk so we then researched other famous ships that had sunk over the years and wrote those down in their journals. We stumbled upon states and capitals songs , president songs and then ended the day with making state/capital flash cards.
By bedtime they were bouncing a million ideas off the wall for what they want to do later this week and more things they want to learn, learn, learn....I pray I can keep up with them! :)
Tomorrows plans (as we still have no curriculum to use) is a color scheme and we are going to use GREEN and discuss Ps 23:2 "green pastures" and I am going to let them cut out sheeps and use cotton balls to glue to them and googly eyes and then cut blades of construction paper grass to lay the sheep in and have them write the verse at the bottom. I want them to begin thinking of green things that we can make a word acrostic with (frog, turtle, army tanks,etc...) make a word game out of it. They have always loved playing red light/green light so we will be making stoplights and playing that game as well. I want to show them some money (hopefully we can do the money thing when we go to starbucks...hehehe) and we can practice counting money for math purposes. Going to take another route and discuss recycling and have them make a list of things we should recycle. For lunch we are going to go on a picnic to a new park I found called Sherwood Forest. It has a picnic area/playground and small trail area they can pick up green leaves and whatever else they find. Looking forward to another fun day with the boys of learning not only about things around us, but more about US as well. :)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the name of your blog!!!!

    Sounds like you had a GREAT 1st day!!
